Homemade Butternut Squash Pasta with Flambeed Chanterelles
Homemade Butternut Squash Pasta with Flambeed Chanterelles

Before we get into this week's post I want to make a quick shout out to our sponsor, Braised Food & Drink Digital Marketing. Braised takes the time to grow your food or beverage company's online presence.

Making homemade pasta has always seemed like a daunting task to me. On par with making your own clothes, it seemed like something that was best left to professionals. But after making my own pasta for the first time I realized it is just as easy, nay easier than making your own clothes. All it takes is a little hard work and the fact that the pasta will be better than anything you can buy out of a box. I'll be right back you guys, this burlap bag - I mean shirt, is itchy. I need to change. 

Homemade Butternut Squash Pasta with Flambeed Chanterelles
Homemade Butternut Squash Pasta with Flambeed Chanterelles

Yes, those are carrots and not some weird Brazilian root. I found them at the Portland Saturday Farmer's market. Check it out sometime. The sage was foraged, and I would just like to thank my neighbors for not having a fence in their front yard and for never being home. Those chanterelles were also locally sourced, and I would just like to thank my roommate for never cleaning his room. 

local produce
local produce
butternut squash
butternut squash

Baked Butternut

  • Butternut Squash
  • Olive Oil
  1. Preheat oven to 350°. Cut the tips off the butternut, just the tips. Quarter the squash and remove the seeds. Score the squash as pictured above. That means DON'T cut all the way through. 
  2. Place in a baking pan and drizzle a little olive oil over the squash.
  3. Bake for 40 minutes. 
  4. Peel the skin and puree in a food processor until the consistency reaches a puree consistency. Puree. Consistency.
  5. This can be added to pretty much anything. Like pasta for instance.
homemade pasta
homemade pasta

Homemade Butternut Squash Pasta

  • 3 1/2 cups Flour
  • 3 Eggs
  • 1/3 cup Butternut squash pureed
  1. Pile the flour on a clean counter. Make a well in it big enough for the eggs and squash. Work the eggs and squash into the flour with your fingers. Try to keep the dough together. Note not all the flour will be mixed into the dough.
  2. Knead the dough for 3 minutes. Set the dough aside for 20 minutes and cover with plastic wrap.
  3. Continue kneading for an additional 3 minutes, be sure to add more flour if the dough seems sticky in anyway. 
  4. Use a rolling pin or pasta maker to roll the dough thin. Cut into desired pasta shape and voila you just made homemade pasta! 
homemade pasta
homemade pasta
Pretty Carrots!
Pretty Carrots!

Brown Sugared Carrots

  • 2 Carrots sliced
  • 2 tablespoons Butter
  • 3 tablespoons Brown Sugar
  1. Heat a skillet over medium heat. Melt butter. Add carrots and sugar, occasionally stir the carrots to avoid burning. Cook until the sugar becomes like a syrup consistency.
  2. Serve with the white cheddar sauce from this post!

Flambeed Chanterelles

  • 7 Chanterelles cleaned and halved
  • 1 tablespoon Olive Oil 
  • 1/2 cup Chardonnay
  • 1/4 cup Rum
  1. Soak the chanterelles in chardonnay for 5 minutes.
  2. Add the olive oil to a large skillet and heat over medium. Add the chanterelles. Saute until all the moisture is removed from the mushrooms and they are sitting in the pan. Drain that liquid and add the rum.
  3. If you have a gas stove use the flames to light the pan or use a pastry torch or that flamethrower that's sitting in your garage.
  4. Cook until the flames stop and the smell of alcohol is gone. Serve on top of pasta with walnuts.
Homemade Butternut Squash Pasta with Flambeed Chanterelles
Homemade Butternut Squash Pasta with Flambeed Chanterelles

Well there you have it vegetarians I finally made a dish that you can enjoy. Sorry vegans your future doesn't look too bright on this blog, butter and cheese is my lifeblood. And that lifeblood is filled with cholesterol. Enjoy this dish!

All photos by

Katy Weaver!

 Check out her site right now! You have nothing better to do, you just finished reading this post. Go!
