Savory Avocado Cream Puffs

Behold the next level of party snacks! The Savory Avocado Cream Puff stuffed with avocado cream cheese and topped with smoked peanuts and radish sprouts! These creamy puffs of perfection are what party snacks should be. They're filling, but still surprisingly light. Even your vegetarian friends will like them, because unlike most of my dishes these contain no meat! I know! I'm as surprised as you are. Even though I made these look fancy, I recommend taking a page out of The Oatmeal's book and drench these things in Sriracha.

Savory Avocado Cream Puffs

I don't have much to say about these puffs, besides the fact that you need to make them for the next party you attend or throw. I'm just going to let these photos that Katy Weaver took do most of the speaking. 

Savory Avocado Cream Puffs

I've decided not to include a traditional recipe on this post. This dish is basically built out of three parts, the choux paste, avocado cream cheese, and the peanuts.

Choux Paste (The Puffs)

choux paste

Honestly The Joy of Cooking has an amazing recipe that I used to make the puffs. If you don't have a copy of The Joy of Cooking then get off the internet and stop reading "12 easy crockpot recipes" on Pinterest and get yourself a real cookbook.  You'll thank yourself. 

Whipped Avocado Cream Cheese

avocado cream cheese

In a large mixing bowl whip together a diced avocado, a thing of cream cheese, 1 tablespoon of lime juice, and 1 tablespoon of whole milk until it becomes fluffy. Be sure the avocado becomes fully incorporated. Thats it. Simple.

Smoked Peanuts

smoked peanuts

I used my charcoal grill and some mesquite wood chips to smoke my peanuts. Then I used a coffee grinder to make a peanut dust, I also stirred in some paprika and cayenne pepper to give it some heat. After these three steps I just assembled the puffs and impressed my friends. 

Savory Avocado Cream Puffs
Savory Avocado Cream Puffs
Savory Avocado Cream Puffs
